Muqdisho – Tababaraha kooxda Newcastle United, Rafael Benitez ayaa sheegay inuu u furan yahay xilka tababaranimo ee xulka Qaranka Spain marka uu ka tago shaqadiisa hadda.
Benitez ayaa loo magacaabay xilka tababaranimo ee Magpies-ka bishii March 2016, isaga ayaana Newcastle dib ugu soo celiyey Premier League-ka kadib markii uu wacdaro kasoo dhigay Championship-ka.
Kooxda ayaa hadda fadhisa kaalinta 7aad ee kala sarreynta horyaalka waxeyna heysataa afar guul oo ka timid sagaal kulan, hayeeshe macalinkan Spanish-ka ah hoos uma dhigin shaqo caalami ah oo uu helo.
“Hadda xaaladaas kama hadlayo,” ayuu u sheegay Marca.
“Halkan waan ku faraxsanahay waxaana heystaa sanado heshiishkeyga ah, haddii aan halkan kusii wanaagsanaado waa laga yaabaa,” ayuu kusii daray hadalkiisa”.
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