Home / Macluumaad / 20,000 oo shinni ah oo eryanayay 48 saac gaari dabin ku noqday boqoraddooda + Sawirro

20,000 oo shinni ah oo eryanayay 48 saac gaari dabin ku noqday boqoraddooda + Sawirro

Boqorad shinni ah ayaa dabin uu ku noqday gaari 4×4 oo ay ka heshay soo jiidasho la tuhunsan yahay inay macmacaan ahaayeen, wayse awoodi weysay inay gaari kasoo baxdo.

In ka badan 20,000 oo shinni ah ayaana eryanay gaariga ay boqoradoodu ku jirto muddo 48 saacadood ah.

Gaariga oo noociisu ahaa silver Mitsubishi ayaa la isugu yeeray ilaa shan nin oo quburo ku ah Shinida wayse awoodi waayeen inay ogaadaan dhibta jirta ee shinida ku qasabtay inay gaarigaa weerar joogto ah ku heyso.

Roger Burns oo ka tirsan kooxda xanaaneysa shinnida ayaa sheegay in boqoradda shinida ah ay dabin ku gashay qeybta danbe ee gaariga ayna awoodi weysay inay kasoo baxdo gaariga.

Roger oo ah Takhtar howlgab noqday ayaa ka shaqeynayay arrimaha shinnida muddo 30 sanadood ah, isagoo xusay inay caado tahay in ay raacaan shinnidu boqoradda, hayeeshee in labo maallin ay daba socdaan boqoradda oo dabin ku jirta ayaa isaga ka yaabisay.

PIC BY TOM MOSES/MERCURY PRESS (PICTURED: A BEEKEEPER TRIES TO MOVE THE BEES TO INSIDE A BOX IN HAVERFORDWEST, SOUTH WEST WALES) A ëlostí swarm of bees sparked chaos in a high street when their queen got stuck in a car boot ñ resulting in 20,000 bees chasing the 4x4 for TWO DAYS. Dad-of-one Tom Moses, 41, spotted the unusual sight while driving through Haverfordwest, south west Wales, around 5pm on Sunday evening and decided to stop to help out. However it took a procession of FIVE different beekeepers, park rangers and passers-by to coax them off into a cardboard box, only for the wind to blow it off the car and the queen go back to the boot. Roger Burns of Pembrokeshire Beekeepers then says the carís owner returned and drove away with the queen unknowingly trapped in the back, resulting in the swarm taking up the chase the next day. SEE MERCURY

PIC BY TOM MOSES/MERCURY PRESS (PICTURED: THE BEES TAKEN UP RESIDENCE ON A 4X4 CAR PARKED IN A CAR PARK IN HAVERFORDWEST, SOUTH WEST WALES) A ëlostí swarm of bees sparked chaos in a high street when their queen got stuck in a car boot ñ resulting in 20,000 bees chasing the 4x4 for TWO DAYS. Dad-of-one Tom Moses, 41, spotted the unusual sight while driving through Haverfordwest, south west Wales, around 5pm on Sunday evening and decided to stop to help out. However it took a procession of FIVE different beekeepers, park rangers and passers-by to coax them off into a cardboard box, only for the wind to blow it off the car and the queen go back to the boot. Roger Burns of Pembrokeshire Beekeepers then says the carís owner returned and drove away with the queen unknowingly trapped in the back, resulting in the swarm taking up the chase the next day. SEE MERCURY COPY

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