Home / MAQAALO / Radio Himilo – Living Hope.

Radio Himilo – Living Hope.

Mogadishu – There are huge gaps in Somali’s mainstream media because of their lack of or under developing skills that don’t fit in the field of journalism.

When the country’s government collapsed in 1991, everything went down including the sophisticated legacy of the journalism. That caused journalists to be openly stereotyped lacking the optimum knowledge of their career.

The era of journalism entered darkness. Killing, kidnapping and properly displacing them are some of the biggest challenges they faced and the barriers continue to exist in this day and age.

al-Shabab and Somali’s government are both behind these barbaric attacks, claims human rights groups.

The crisis that faced the journalists in Somalia turns down over the last months.

The emerge of new Somalia from state of failure to fragile nation is not an easy task.  Knowledge sectors made dramatic improvement that resulted the birth of scholars and experts including well educated and trained journalist who can withstand to overcome and fill the gaps.

Radio Himilo is the one of the stations in Somalia, which releases mostly oriented programs that affect the people’s daily life and broadcasts news that often go under reported.

Established in 2014, the station gained nation-wide respects and reputation as the entire staff are professional and mostly graduate universities.

Writer: Mohamed Kadar Abdi.

E-mail: Mohamedqadar80@gmail.com


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